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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Money saving tips

Thursday, February 24

I figured with the amount of money we are spending, I would start sharing some of our money saving tips. We have exactly 1 so far.

If you'd like to reduce your electric/gas bill by a power of ten like we did in 1 month (down from $600 to $60!), here is what you do:

1) Disconnect most of the power in your house. This will cause you to not be able to enter the attic because you can no longer turn on the lights and give the bats a "5 minute warning" before entering. The bats will then feel free to roam your completely dark house.... day or night.
2) Stop running the furnace, causing your pipes to freeze and burst. You were replacing those anyway, right? Well, 90% of them..... I'm sure those other 10% are fine and won't cost more than the money we are saving, right?
3) Have the gas completely disconnected so that no one accidentally blows anything up.

Who needs utilities anyway? As we can see from ripping up the walls, they were doing OK in 1886 with their gas lanterns. Hmmmm..... gas lanterns + O'Leary's cow...............

See, aren't we helpful?



  1. Hahahaha! I was really looking forward to some good, solid money saving tips from two intelligent folks! Bummer. I'll actually be sad when your house is complete b/c following your home renovation adventures is hilarious(not trying to find comedic relief in your hard work and frustrations b/c you've seen MY house!). Keep up the good work Patels!
    Heather S.

  2. Don't worry el captain, we will NEVER be finished with this project!!!
