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Thursday, July 21, 2011


July 21, 2011

Exactly 1 year ago today (or 525, 600 minutes for you Rent lovers) Alok and I walked out of Mercantile Bank smiling about the wonderful property we just bought. We thought we would be living there in a matter of weeks and couldn't believe how nice it was (remember, we had just moved back from Chicago and the house was much cheaper than our 2 bed, 1 bath 1200 sq ft condo in the city). We thought we had gotten a great deal and couldn't wait to relax in our new house with all of the money we would save by living in Quincy instead of Chicago.....

Ah, stupid Alok and Jessica ;-) Needless to say, things haven't gone exactly as planned. If you think we are still in house utopia, then you obviously have 1 years worth of blogs to catch up on. We bought the biggest money pit that we ever could have imagined and are still not living in it. Sigh...

OK, enough of that talk. I was hoping to write an awesome blog on the actual day of anniversary (today), but I was distracted by roller derby and Alok was distracted by building a wall in the 100+ degree heat in our non-air conditioned house where most of the windows don't open. We are also kind of in our down on the house funk, so I'll come back to it with a more positive attitude later. (In case you didn't notice by reading, our blog goes through major ups and downs, but that's the way house restoration is). In other words, no big one-year-recap today. One will be coming very soon. I know that it won't be as awesome as it would have today, but if you are dying for one in the meantime, you could just go through all of the old blogs. I'm sure you have time for that, right?

Well, maybe in another 525, 600 minutes (or 1, 051, 200) minutes since buying the house, we may actually be living there. I hate to overshoot, so maybe I should just hope for some walls!

(Ah, all of the fun house related lyrics I have floating through my head to Seasons of Love.... and if you don't know what I'm talking about, please go see Rent!)


(Side note- I just went to our first blog and apparently today may not be the first anniversary of the house. Hmmmm... I swear it was today, but our first blog says it was July 23. Well, in that case, the above blog is totally pointless and I may able to actually get you that review blog on time. Oops. I was about 2880 minutes early.....maybe?!)

1 comment:

  1. well...congrats on being a homeowner for a year!!! love the rent reference :)
