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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Any takers?

November 22, 2011

Any guess what is in this shopvac?

2 bats!!!!!! Anyone want to come and take them away (but please leave the shopvac, we need it ;-)

Here are some pics of the outside of the house. Looking good, huh?

We were told they will have to cut off the branch seen here to get in the drywall on a truck.... let's hope they're wrong.

In better news, the drywallers have continued to mud the first floor and it is looking good. I believe he's on his 3rd (or so) coat thus far. Here's a question: Can you paint before you refinish floors (which makes sense in case any paint gets on the floor) OR should you refinish the floor before painting (which also makes sense because the floors will kick up dust)? Thoughts?

Here is the first floor (it pretty much looks the same, so I didn't go overboard with the pics):

They also started to hang the 2nd floor ceilings as seen here:

There has also been work going on in the attic, which is one of my favorite places in the house. Here it is:

Some framing for the drywallers

This area will be a closet

That's all for now!


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