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Monday, November 14, 2011

The last phase of destruction....

November 13, 2011

I always speak too soon. For instance, "we're not going to even patch the walls..." or "this will only take a few month," or "let's peel off the wallpaper" or "we'll take this house!" The most recent statement that was spoken too soon was "we are finished with destruction" (OK, those may not have been the actual words, but you get the gist).

Actually, our current "last" phase of destruction has been the attic floor. When the roofers peeled off the 7 million layers of roof, the attic floor did a little dance and lifted. This has resulted in the need to take out the floor. Easy right? Well, not so much when there is about a 8 foot+ drop onto the floor below (I have no concept of actual measurement, but it's tall) and when the stairs are too narrow to get the floor upstairs. So what to do......

Well, Alok started by tearing up the floor. Here it is:

View from below into the attic

Another view from below

View from the top of the attic stairs

In an attempt to get the floorboards upstairs, Alok rigged this contraption:

He would lift the board onto the wider part, climb the ladder, hang out on the floor boards above, and pull it up..... I think his dad would be proud of the rig, although probably not thrilled with the balancing part

Alok pulling up the floorboard... video would have been better

Alok telling me about how he almost fell through the floor prior to my arrival. Apparently, he fell through the floor, hit his leg (he has a pirate-like limp right now), and caught himself on the ductwork. Needless to say, I wasn't happy and would not leave him until he promised not to do that again (try to move them by himself, not just not fall). Good news- after a wrangling of some friends, the floorboards are safely in the attic.

In not so dangerous news, there has been significant progress on the drywall, as seen here:

We're leaving the exposed brick fireplaces...very Victorian, I know ;-)

Smiley notes from a friend to the drywallers :-)

I have never been so happy to see walls!!

Now, we do have garage bags over an ex-window, but se la vie...

In good news, this window is being rebuilt. Too bad there are about 61 other ones in need of repair. Baby steps :-)

Now, if we go back to where we were last year (when Amanda and Patrick were visiting exactly 1 year ago and helping peel off wallpaper as seen here: http://thisoldhampshirehouse.blogspot.com/2010/11/weekend-of-discoveries.html) we have made a lot of big steps... including making sure our actual steps are safe and secure.


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