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Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy 2-year Quincy-versary

March 23, 2012

Happy 2-year Quincy-versary to Alok! He has officially lived here for 2 years (in case you don't know what a Quincy-versary is). He is going to celebrate by continuing to do manual labor at the house. Here's how things are going.

We now have color in most of the house. This is not too exciting, because this is all the same color (and pictures are pretty worthless in showing the color):

The kitchen floor has been finished for about a week. Here it is now:

We removed the ugly Christmas tree shaped shelving unit and the burn-down-your-house or give-yourself-carbon-monoxiod -poisoning red heating unit.

The kitchen tile that Alok is freaking out over has also arrived and is ready to be installed in the tile part of the kitchen.

Speaking of the kitchen, Alok has discovered butternut. So, instead of painting the trim white, we will be stripping it (and by we, I mean he).

Butternut cabinets

Half stripped door

We have also laid the basketweave tile in the apartment bathroom. Lookin' good, if I must say so myself. We just need the subway tile for the shower area.

This wall in the front parlor is also being repaired. Notice that the chair rail is down. Alok wants to put it back up. I say leave it down. Thoughts?

That's all for now.


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