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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Who needs doors... Countdown to Baby 2012.... B-79 days! AH!

September 5, 2012

One of the items on the to do before baby list includes bathroom doors. I realized that this may be a lofty goal (we have numerous doors stacked up all over the house, all of which needed to be stripped and fixed... and then matched to their original locations).   So, I took it upon myself to create a bathroom door, as seen here:

Voila!!  Now I don't have to walk up the stairs every 5 minutes when I need to go to the bathroom, thereby increasing productivity ;-)

Alok also worked on getting more trim hung in the nursery, as seen here:

Alok did more that wasn't pictured, but if there aren't pics, it didn't happen, right?  He is working pretty frantically on the house!

That's all for now.



  1. So these are the windows in the nursery? If you want the nursery room to be kid-friendly, I think you should minimize the edges and add more curves, particularly on the trims that you’ll add. Sharp edges can be dangerous when your baby starts to walk or crawl.

  2. It’s really fun to work on a nursery room, especially when you’re first-time parents. :) You want everything to be perfect for your baby. From the design of the door, windows, walls, even the ceiling. Haha! You really can’t hide the fun and excitement when you’re working on a renovation project like this.
