As previously mentioned, the area in the master bedroom above the front porch is literally detaching itself from the rest of the house. Yesterday, we noticed that the area was pulling farther from the house, which can cause the minor issue of the entire area of the master bedroom above the porch coming crashing down. So, today the process of jacking up the house started. From what I hear, there was a scare where they thought the whole front part of the house was coming down, but that didn't happen.... yet.
Here is our lovely, jacked up house:
Front of our house... it was a bit dark when we came
Notice that the front stairs now lead to nowhere.... notice the absence of the front porch. Shout out to Mandy... do you think they'll still deliver my mail ;-) I may need to figure that one out.
The deck
New braces. You can see the old, tan pole that was failing us on the right. The wood pole immediately to the left is the new pole and has the jack under it.
New pole with jack vs. old pole
This is the part that is falling off. If you look straight up to where the board that goes straight up on the right of the house meets the roof, you'll see a crack. This is driving Alok crazy, as I've mentioned before. We can't totally jack up the house to have it meet again without removing part of the new roof.
View out the front door
Alok examining the area in the master bedroom to see if there is a way to jack it up without messing with the roof. He is obsessed.
See those horizontal boards? They are now attaching the part of the house on the right side of those studs to the rest of the master bedroom. Those aren't permanent.
Close up on the area that is detaching.
This should be interesting.
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