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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Clean up, clean up everybody everywhere....

July 22, 2012

My mom took a break from painting siding and decided to start cleaning the house.... the very dirty, dusty, disgusting house. 

Lovely pile at the top of the stairs to be put in some unknown location
The jacuzzi tub was uncovered and somewhat cleaned

 Mast bath is looking a bit bigger..... tile would be nice ;-)

 Clean master bedroom

 Clean nursery

 Clean and newly sealed laundry room tile

 Dusty and clean-ish yellow bedroom (that now has no yellow, not even on the windows!)

Clean and newly sealed attic bathroom tile

Painted attic windows that still need some work

The attic.... to be cleaned after re-building a window

Alok also continued to make progress on the outside of the house, as seen here. His goal is to get the rest of this section off by Monday. 

In other super fun and not- disgusting -at all news, we have been finding bat poop in the attic and master bedroom. This lead us to try to patch up a hole in the attic where they may be emerging and caused a bat attack of sorts, kinda like out of the movies.  GROSS!!  All is well and so far no one has turned into Batman or a vampire.


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