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Sunday, July 25, 2010

The closing

On July 23, 2010 the Kaufman house was ours, mold, asbestos, bat in the attic, and all. We had a few friends over to see the place that night. I think the highlight was our friend, Maggie, finding a very obvious door in the apartment part of the place that we had not seen before!

Here is the obvious door:

The door of the right is the one that somehow the 10+ people that saw the house before we bought it (including ourselves, our realtor, and our inspector) all missed. In our defense, there was a couch blocking it and this was inhabited as an apartment during many of our walk throughs, so we often went quickly.

Here is what was behind the door:

Nothing like having a random window and water damage/mold in a closet you didn't know existed and in an area of the house that you thought was mold free!

I can't wait to see what other surprises we find.


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