What do you notice about this door? BTW, I am holding the camera perfectly straight.
There are also things we noticed before but didn't capture on camera. Here are a few:
The window seat by the front door. Lovely water damage
A mirror by the front door. Pretty cool/creepy horror movie-ish.
This random large bookshelf thing in the front room. We're not sure what we should do with it. Opinions? It really doesn't fit the style of the house and is one of the first things you see when you enter.
Close-up of the bookshelf. Don't mind the Coors Light can. We were just trying it out as a bar.
We have a "lovely" air conditioning unit that is cut through the wall in the front parlor that was also never noticed because it was covered by a couch. Very nice.
The funniest/weirdest things that was found, was found by our friend Casey. He went to use the bathroom under the stairs and came out laughing, saying our toilet said "Yazoo." We had no clue what he was talking about but here is what we found:
HA! Casey also discovered the toilet poltergeist, which is the sound that Yazoo makes when he is flushed.
Casey when Yazoo made some crazy noises. He said something that suggested that we should all quickly run from the house :-)
Casey showing us yazoo again.
Testing to see if it makes the same creepy noise (which was a yes)
I'm sure more random things will be found soon....
FEEED YAAZZOOOOooooooooOOOOoooo....!!!